Guide to Simple Online Marketing For Business

Strategies to Boost Your Social Media Presence

What If You Could Boost Your Social Media Traffic With Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Online Presence? In the everevolving digital landscape, leveraging the power of social media can propel your business to remarkable success. Whether you’re a burgeoning startup eager to carve out your niche or a seasoned brand poised to amplify your digital …

5 Tips To Grow Your Local Business in 2024

Are you looking for ways to grow a local business? As we are already on our way into the exciting world of online marketing in 2024, if you want to grow your local business, you’ll need to adapt to thrive in this digital landscape. With the right strategies in place, you can reach a wider …

How Much is Your Customers Lifetime Value?

Do you know your Customers Lifetime Value? You should. Are you awareย that it actually costs more to attract a new customer than it does to retain an existing one. How much can you really afford to spend to attract a new customer to your business? The key to creating an effective and workable budget for …

How to Boost Your Local Business with Social Media Marketing

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From connecting with friends and family to discovering new products and services, social media platforms have transformed the way we interact with businesses. As a local business owner, harnessing the power of social media marketing can significantly boost your brand’s visibility, engagement, and ultimately, your sales.

4 Tips For Creating Content For Business

Creating content is critical for local businesses so itโ€™s always a good time to focus on content creation for your business. ย  That means more than simply putting your local keywords into general content. Youโ€™ll need to show casual visitors to your site that you are a part of your local community! The following are …

Customer Complaints | How To Handle For Your Local Business

How to Handle Customer Complaints About Your Local Business Customer complaints are a reality of running any business. While receiving negative feedback can be unpleasant, it can be helpful for making improvements to your company practice and ability to hold onto customers.  Is there a way you can lessen the sting of negative reviews by …

Apple Maps: How To Add It To Your Local Business

How To Add Your Local Business To Apple Maps Apple Maps (AM) is the third most popular map service on the market today and if you have a business, you WANT to be on it. With 23 million monthly unique visitors, they are right behind Google’s 154 million and Nokia HEREโ€™s 27.7 million So you …

6 Local Lead Generation Tips for Local Small Business Owners

6 Local Lead Generation Tips For Small Businesses When it comes to owning a small business, lead generation can be the difference between success and failure. As a business owner, you need repeat customers to stay afloat, but you also have to look for new leads online if you want your business to scale. ย  …

How To Use Google My Business For Free To Get More Local Customers

How to Use Google My Business for FREE, to Get More Local Customers ย  What is Google?! Itโ€™s a massive search engine that just about all of us know, use and love,ย  and itโ€™s become synonymous with searching for information online. Itโ€™s even become part of our everyday speech and jargon. ย  Just โ€˜Google Itโ€™!ย  …

What Can Online Marketing Do For Business?

Does Online Marketing Really Work for Business?   I believe it does.  When you get it going and are doing it right, there is no better way of reaching a large market of consumers than online marketing. Any method of marketing done well can be successful but finding something that is able to reach so many …