Guide to Simple Online Marketing For Business

social media marketing goalsSocial media marketing is not rocket science, but there is a science to it.  When businesses decide to take on the social media marketing goals they’ve created for themselves, they might run into problems.  This article offers some useful advice when it comes to social media marketing for your business.

Typically, it’s the cost of most advertising plans that becomes the biggest problem for business owners wanting to extend their reach, but social media marketing has become a great alternative, and easy fix to all that worry.

For one, there are no costs involved in creating captivating social media posts on all the social-networking platforms. This means that just about anyone can take advantage of the opportunity to use social media marketing to grow a business.  The trick, however, is that the focus shifts to quality over quantity. We believe the advice offered in this article, you can learn to supply both.

Tip #1 Choose your name carefully:  For example, when on Twitter, do your best to pick a Twitter handle that is very close to your business name or brand name. We strongly recommend you avoid handles like Jane7592 because nobody will remember you and it’s highly likely, no one is searching for Jane7592. Ideally, you want your name, and your brand, to be remembered so that consumers will remember it, and search  for it when they are shopping online or browsing various social media marketing sites.

Remember: If you are looking to use Twitter as a social media marketing method, make sure that you choose a username that displays well and is easy to remember. This username should get the point of your company across, but should also be easy to remember. Don’t choose usernames like TommyXo1009. No one will remember it and it is likely irrelevant to your company’s name.

Tips #2 Connect your social media accounts to each other and attempt to secure the same name for all of them. By doing this simple step, you end up developing a greater presence on the internet as people search for you. It helps to create that idea that you are everywhere, and people see you everywhere like they do more commonly known business names. 

BONUS: Connecting the accounts allows people that have discovered you in one place to quickly connect to your business on all the other social media platforms.

Tip #3 If you don’t use it already, consider using Twitter.  Twitter is a great way to market your business, product, or service on the internet.  One thing to keep in mind, however. Avoid just throwing up and out information without considering the value it brings to your customers.  What value do you provide to your followers by tweeting anything. 

Tip #4 Blogging is a great way to create content  for your social media marketing pages and accounts.  Nothing worse than having nothing else to post, and just sharing the posts of others all the time.  Make sure that you take advantage of owning a blog to market your products and services to consumers. (We can help you with that if you don’t already have one) 

Do your best to post regularly on your blog so you can get helpful information out to the world, but also to remind people that you exist and use it as a way of showing how you can add value to your prospective customer. 

People tend to forget about you and your business if you don’t stay front and center as often as possible.  Another key thing to know, the more fresh content you post on your website, the more the search engine spiders come back to see what’s new.  If done well, this can help you rank higher in searches for the thing you offer. 

Tip #5. Be sure to use video in your social media marketing. YouTube is a very popular option for social media marketing strategies for business.   It offers you the  opportunity of making videos relating to your company and putting in your company’s website link or contact information. It also gives people an easier way to get to know and like you, especially if you are actually seen and heard talking in the vide. Make sure you tag each video properly and write a description that is informative as well as inviting to consumers.

Tip #6. Use Proper Grammar. Whatever your choice in the social media marketing efforts to grow your business, make sure that you use correct grammar. We do know how tempting it is to use abbreviations such as LOL or LMAO in your posts, but remember you are trying to come across as a professional who knows a lot about his or her business, service and/or product.  Do your best to spell everything correctly and use punctuation where it is needed.

Whether you’ve been in business for years, or just launched your first one, Social media marketing will create a new world of opportunities and potential sales profits and it simply requires time and focus.

Last tip: Be sure to stay as updated as possible with the newest advancements in the online world and always stay ahead of the competition. Social Media Marketing is always changing.  If you need help in this area, just contact us.  We can offer social media marketing packages to meet all levels of business. 

To Your Success, 


Do you have some great social media marketing strategies that work for your business?  Leave a comment below and share with others. 

Questions, please feel free to contact me. 

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